How should I write a manuscript for a touching wedding ceremony?

The wedding ceremony is an important moment when the officiant delivers blessings and teachings to the bride and groom. Learn how to write a wedding ceremony that will make your special day even more memorable with heartfelt messages, warm encouragement, and moving stories.


A wedding ceremony officiated by a teacher

A couple who have been together for a long time have finally come to hold a wedding ceremony.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of the family, relatives, and guests who have come to celebrate the beautiful future of the lovely bride and groom.
Their marriage process was like a novel with many stories.
There are too many obstacles for young lovers to overcome before they can get married, including appearance, education, family, wealth, and place of origin.
The bride at the wedding is as beautiful as an angel, overcoming all of these obstacles. And the groom is more reliable than anyone else.
I wanted to tell these bride and groom that it is good for them to love each other until they become a married couple and their dark hair turns gray, but it is also good for them to love each other until their dark hair turns gray and they become bald like me.
“The Chinese character for baldness is 光, which means light. In order for the bride and groom to live happily together for a hundred years, they should not hold back from saying things that are flattering to each other.
The most frightening thing in the world is the human tongue.
There is a saying that the closer the relationship, the more you should keep your manners. Even if you are married, you should not speak carelessly.
However, you can keep saying “Darling, I love you. You’re the best!” until your hair turns gray.
Here, the most wonderful groom in the world is saying the most beautiful words to the most beautiful bride in the world.
It is said that a gentleman speaks with his actions, while a fool speaks with his tongue.
Today, I, the officiant, am speaking with my tongue, and the groom is speaking with his actions.
Today, this groom and bride are both qualified as gentlemen.
I would like to conclude my speech by wishing the two young men God’s blessings on their second life. Thank you.



A short speech by the wedding officiant

I would like to offer my sincere congratulations to the groom, ○○○, and the bride, ○○○, on their marriage.
I am so happy to be here with you two as you make a lifelong commitment to one another.
I would also like to thank your parents for raising you both so well, and all of our guests for making this day so special.
On behalf of the bride and groom, I would like to thank you all.
Now they are married.
On this special day, what I want to say to the bride and groom is
“The meaning of marriage.”
I don’t know what today’s marriage means to the two of them,
but from where I stand,
the groom is so nervous and happy that he can’t think of anything.
Just like I was at my wedding 10 years ago.
When I listen to the stories of young people these days,
it seems that many people think of marriage as the end of a relationship.
But marriage is not the fruit of love,
but the wonderful moment when the seeds that were planted during the relationship finally sprout.
From now on, the two of them should love and cherish each other more.
So they should put in the effort to make sure that this bud that has just sprouted grows up quickly.
If the two of them trust, love and cherish each other more than anyone else, this love that has just sprouted will grow up quickly
and bear beautiful fruit.
The seeds have been sown, and the shoots have sprouted.
May this green love
bloom pretty flowers, bear luscious fruit,
and come to a beautiful end…
May you diligently cultivate love so that you can write down that beautiful history.
Congratulations to the two of you on your new beginning.
I hope that your future is always filled with happiness.
I will conclude my officiating here. Thank you very much.



Wedding officiant’s example of a wedding officiant’s speech manuscript

Hello, everyone. Today is a very good day. It’s a really good day. It’s a day that I can’t explain how good it is. Why? This month is Family Month, and today is Couple’s Day. And more importantly, on Couple’s Day, exactly three years after these two met, they are becoming a couple.
I think the relatives and guests who attended to bless the marriage of the bride and groom on this good day are also really good people. We are pleased to have such good people gathered here to witness the two of us becoming a married couple, and we would like to express our gratitude to our families and relatives who will be our witnesses, and we would like to take this opportunity to reflect on the meaning of marriage on behalf of our families.
Marriage is the beginning of a happy voyage towards a hopeful life as two people create a new family. Therefore, I would like to ask the bride and groom, the main characters of this day, the following three things as the officiant.
As I think about this happy moment, I hope that you will have a broad mind and learn the wisdom to live your life with a spirit of service and endless patience, with the mindset that the noble and beautiful love you have for your wife and husband is just as precious as your own personality, but the other person’s personality is even more precious.
If the two of you are able to achieve what you want smoothly, you should attribute the credit to your husband or wife, or to the relatives and guests gathered here. If you attribute everything to yourself, you will be blessed forever.
Think of the parents of the bride and groom. All parents in the world wish their children the best. You should be filial to such parents. It is not wealth, but a heart full of sincerity. I would like to suggest a method that I practice. It is to think of your parents at least once a day, make a filial phone call once a week, and give them a monthly gift. Make time for your parents on a regular basis.
Now, the two of you will be living together as a family and at the same time, you will be forming new relationships with many people around you, individually or as a family. If you respect your parents and siblings, serve them with understanding and consideration, do not cause trouble to your neighbors, and share warm affection with each other, you will become a family that is respected and loved by those around you.
The couple should earnestly fulfill their respective roles so that they can become a couple who may have had different beginnings but end up the same, even though they may have started out differently. The bride and groom should be healthy and happy, and in their youth, they should feel like lovers, and in their middle age, they should be like understanding and affectionate friends, and in their old age, they should be like nurses who take care of each other.
Finally, I would like to ask all of the relatives and guests who have gathered here today to give this couple your unstinted support so that they can become a loving and affectionate couple who live happily together for a hundred years and become a blessed family, receiving respect and love. Thank you.



Wedding Officiant Officiant’s Speech

Hello, everyone.
Today, we have gathered to bless the bride and groom as they begin their new life together with love.
I wish the couple nothing but the best for the rest of their lives together.
But in real life, good things don’t always happen.
I wish I could just stay the same for ten, twenty years, but that’s not easy either.
The desire to stay the same fades over time.
The promise to be together in times of illness and sadness is put on the back burner, and joy is more often than not taken for oneself rather than shared.
It is not uncommon for a couple to promise to live together, only to find themselves alone when they wake up.
There are many times when the promise to be together until the end of one’s life turns out to be meaningless in the face of life’s challenges.
At times like these, the joy of today and the feelings of longing that led to today can disappear, and you may feel that you have married for no good reason and regret your choice.
You forget all the gratitude you once felt for your spouse and are left with nothing but resentment and hatred, and you are forced to live in such a state.
The estrangement of a couple does not only affect their married life.
It also affects their daily lives, and they naturally lose the desire to live in the world.
When you don’t want to come home after work and wander around outside, the effects of not being able to relax naturally appear at work the next day, and if this kind of life is repeated, your daily life becomes exhausting, and you naturally lose the desire to live.
This story may seem like something in the distant future to the bride and groom, who are full of love for each other.
However, please keep in mind that if you do not make an effort now, when you are full of love and care for each other, you may also face a difficult time.
Emotions fade over time.
So don’t rely solely on love to sustain your relationship.
I hope you will live with love and compassion for each other, rather than looking at each other with expectations.
I hope you will live with the mind of filling the other person’s lack and insufficiency.
If you live with the mindset that you will share the pain and sadness of your partner rather than asking for their consideration when you are sick or sad, you will be able to maintain a loving and caring relationship with your partner.
Nowadays, people are very picky about conditions.
The fact that people consider various conditions before getting married means that they have a lot to expect from their partner.
Marriage is never happy if you just wish for it.
I hope you will keep in mind that you can only have a happy and stable marriage when you have a mind that is willing to sacrifice, compromise, and give for the other person. Thank you.



Wedding Pastor’s Speech

Hello, everyone.
Today, we have gathered to bless the bride and groom who are starting a new family with love for each other.
Today, the sky is as high and blue as ever, making it the perfect day to bless the start of a new couple’s life.
Like today’s weather, I hope that the couple’s future will be as clear and sunny as the weather.
A while ago, while searching the Internet, I came across an interesting analysis by a psychologist.
This is about the dreams that unmarried women and unmarried men in Korea have about unmarried people of the opposite sex. According to the psychologist’s analysis, the dreams they have fall into two main categories.
First, there are unmarried women.
One of their dreams is the so-called Cinderella dream, and the other is the Princess Pyonggang dream.
Cinderella’s dream is a dream in which she expects a prince on a white horse to come find her with a pair of sparkling glass slippers.
In other words, it is a dream of waiting for a man who has already made it.
On the other hand, Princess Pyonggang’s dream is to make a man who is currently insignificant into a great man through her devoted support.
It is the same dream that Princess Pyonggang had.
These two dreams may seem completely different on the surface, but they are actually the same.
The only difference is whether the man is already on the fast track to success or whether he has potential. In either case, the woman wants to satisfy her needs through the man.
So, what dreams do unmarried men in Korea have for unmarried women?
Let’s take a look at men.
According to this psychologist, men’s dreams are also divided into two categories.
One is the dream of Miss Korea, and the other is the dream of a wealthy woman.
In other words, they dream of having a pretty wife or a wife who is capable and makes a lot of money.
They are not married, so why can’t they dream before marriage?
They say that the bigger the dream, the better, so it might be helpful to have these dreams to meet a good spouse.
However, it is better to discard these dreams as soon as possible for a happy married life.
This is because God created man and woman to be a couple and told them to become a helping pair.
A spouse is not someone who is made to fulfill one’s dreams, greed, and goals.
A couple is a pair of people who help each other.
You must realize that no matter how hard you try to find a husband or wife, there is no one in the world who can completely satisfy your desires.
I hope that you will give up what you need to give up as soon as possible and accept what you need to accept as soon as possible so that you can build a happy and harmonious family in God. I will end my speech here. Thank you.



Season’s Greetings from the Wedding Officiant

Hello, everyone.
It’s summer, the season when everything grows. It is also the time of the year when they are most active.
And July, the beginning of summer, is also the time of the year when the most energy flows. Summer is sometimes compared to youth in life. This is because the ever-changing weather and the hot sun are just like them, who live in chaos in an unknown future. It is a time of many wanderings and many worries.
On a midsummer day in July, two lonely souls are trying to bear more solid and wonderful fruit in order to become more complete beings. Today, I am honored to officiate at the wedding of the children of a wonderful family.
Now, these two have made a covenant in front of many witnesses that they will be one through love.
Now, they will have a new family with a new heart and a new meaning.
This couple, who will be chosen today by the will of the parties and hold a wedding ceremony, will become two when they are combined. They will create a family in which they serve each other as if they were one, with the spouse becoming a great strength through the one-to-one union. Therefore, marriage through the love of one’s own choice must be accompanied by responsibility.
A couple is not a confrontational relationship. No one should be subordinate to anyone.
The couple are co-representatives of a 50-50 joint venture that cooperates, complements, and fills each other’s shortcomings. From this moment on, the two must have an infinite sense of responsibility for their spouse.
Please lead your life with the same passion as when you first started. I think they have thought deeply about this while dating. I think they are standing here because they believe and trust that they are perfect for each other as a couple and will love each other forever. That is why they must trust and love each other from now on.
Life is a difficult journey. We must live a life of love that does not change over time. They must know that they are marrying not only the good parts of their spouse, but also their shortcomings.
I hope that we can respect each other with a sincere heart.
They have now become a married couple through this ceremony.
As the only companions in life, I hope that the couple will share all the joys together, comfort and encourage each other, and help and cooperate with each other.
I sincerely hope that their love will last forever, that they will keep their original intentions, and that they will have a beautiful family full of dreams and love. I ask that all of you here today will watch over this family as they start a new life with good dreams and good intentions, and that you will always provide them with warm care.
Thank you.



Wedding officiant and minister of the Word

Hello, everyone. I’m ○○○, the officiant for today’s wedding.
First of all, thank you for taking the time to attend the wedding despite your busy schedule to bless the bride and groom’s future.
Today, I am here to tell you a story that will help you in life as a mentor and a senior to the groom ○○○-kun.
The bride and groom must now leave the loving embrace of their family and create and nurture a new home.
However, there are some virtues that must be kept in mind in order for two loving people to meet and live as a married couple.
The first is filial piety. The bride and groom should live a lifetime of filial piety with gratitude to their parents, who have given them unstinting love to become the people they are today.
Filial piety can be divided into material and spiritual filial piety.
Material filial piety is literally practicing filial piety with material things.
It is about providing your parents with a materially abundant life, such as buying them delicious food, dressing them in nice clothes, and taking them on luxurious trips.
Nowadays, when people talk about filial piety, they often think of material filial piety.
However, just as important as material filial piety is spiritual filial piety.
Mental filial piety means creating a mentally satisfying and emotionally comfortable environment for your parents.
For this spiritual filial piety, the couple must first of all show each other that they care and love each other.
The second virtue is faith. Showing them how to cherish and love each other, have children, and live harmoniously together is the way to ease their worries and give them satisfaction and peace of mind.
The second virtue is faith.
As society becomes more impersonal these days, trust and confidence among people is disappearing.
However, as a couple, you should never lose faith in each other.
Just as air is essential for human life, faith between a couple is essential.
Finally, I would like to emphasize the importance of conversation. The beginning of all relationships begins with communication.
In particular, the groom should not be afraid to talk to the bride.
As times change, men are now able to actively express their thoughts differently than before.
The groom will keep his mouth shut out of embarrassment, and the bride will keep her mouth shut out of the desire to be understood without having to say anything, and they will not be able to understand what the other truly wants.
I hope that you will become a wise couple who can have serious conversations with each other and reconcile their differences in all aspects of life, including parenting.
Please keep in mind the virtues I have mentioned today and become a loving and caring couple who will live happily together for a hundred years.
Finally, I would like to thank all of you who have come here today despite your busy schedules, and I will conclude my speech here.



Wedding Officiant’s Speech

Hello, everyone.
Unfortunately, it is raining quite a bit outside the window.
I can see people whose shoulders are still wet from the rain, and I can see people who have just run into the venue, so it seems that the sudden rain has caused traffic jams.
But the bride and groom. Don’t be too upset if it suddenly starts to rain.
A wedding on a sunny day doesn’t mean that the future will be bright, and a wedding on a rainy day doesn’t mean that the future will be like the weather, which is murky.
If you think about it that way, wouldn’t the lives of children born on rainy days be shrouded in darkness for the rest of their lives?
As far as I know, no one’s life has been dark just because they were born on a rainy day.
Have either of you ever shopped at a supermarket?
Have you ever bought more than you needed and been in a bind?
Maybe at first, you took to the road with a light heart, thinking, “I can handle this much baggage.”
But then, the burden gradually became heavier, unlike the first time you set out on the road.
Why is that when the burden should not have gotten heavier?
The same goes for marriage. Marriage is about adding your burden to your partner’s.
At first, even if the other person’s burden is placed on you, you are willing to take it on, not knowing how heavy it is.
However, as you walk the long and arduous road of life, you may find yourself feeling tired and exhausted.
If such feelings accumulate, you may become angry at the other person or distance yourself from them out of exhaustion and frustration. And I look for someone to relieve the burden on my mind and turn my eyes outside.
When I first started walking with the burden on my back, it was clearly not a heavy burden.
Even if it was heavy from the beginning, it was definitely heavy enough to carry on my back and start walking.
But why do people so easily forget that this is clearly a burden that should be carried?
If the burden is heavy, you can put it down and take a break.
If you still find it difficult, you can ask the person next to you to help you carry the burden.
It is foolish and inefficient to ask a new person who is not next to you to carry your burden instead.
People are forgetful, so they often forget the feelings they had when they first started.
The saying to go back to the basics is not said for nothing.
When you feel your burden is heavy in life, do not blame or complain about it, but remember the promise you made to be willing to carry the other person’s burden on this day.
If the burden is still heavy, share it with the other person.
The two of you are now separate yet one.
If you just remember this fact, I think the road ahead of you will be a pleasant and not so long one rather than a long and painful one.
I hope that God’s blessings will be with you both in the days ahead, and I will end here. Thank you.



Wedding Officiant Season’s Greetings

Hello, everyone.
We are enjoying the deepening of autumn with the cold wind blowing in the morning and evening.
Despite this chilly weather, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all of you who have gathered here today to celebrate the bride and groom who are starting a new life together.
Although it is chilly, we are delighted that the new future of the bride and groom begins on a clear and crisp autumn day without a cloud in the sky.
A couple is two people who were complete strangers to each other, who met and shared the emotion of love, and who pledged to live together in pursuit of happiness.
It is not easy for two strangers to create and live in a community called a family, so we try to tell them a little more stories that might be helpful out of concern.
Love each other, make concessions, be considerate, etc. I wish the newly-formed family will last forever by telling and telling them the stories that I have already heard a thousand times.
Marriage is often called a great event in human life.
Marriage, which is considered to be one of the three biggest events in life along with birth and death, is one of the biggest events in life that ends the childhood and adolescence and begins a new life as an adult.
That is why people give various meanings to marriage and emphasize its importance.
Then, what is the most important virtue for maintaining this marriage?
There are many things that can be mentioned, but I would like to mention health among them.
Health is the most essential and important virtue not only for maintaining a marriage but also for maintaining life.
Nowadays, people consider economic power to be the greatest virtue in life.
However, it should be noted that this is a serious error that has been created by a capitalist society.
It is impossible to work in a company, engage in economic activities, and lead a social life, or to be filial to one’s parents and give birth to and raise children without good health.
Even if you have a billion won in your hands, it is all useless if you are bedridden due to poor health.
Please do not forget that you can only spend quality time with your beloved wife or go out with your cute children in your arms if you have a healthy body and mind.
The groom, ○○○, and the bride, ○○○, should cherish and love each other and should not neglect taking care of each other.
I will conclude my speech by wishing peace and love for the couple’s future.



Writing an example of a wedding speech

Today is the fifteenth day since the new year began.
Congratulations to the groom, bride, and both families on choosing such a beautiful day with clear skies after a white snowfall. And to all of you, my dear relatives and guests, I wish you a happy new year.
A moment ago, the groom, Mr. ○○○, and the bride, Ms. ○○○, made a vow to spend their lives together as husband and wife in front of you, thus entering into a so-called marriage of a lifetime. There is no greater joy than being born into the world and finding your lifelong partner. That is why marriage has been called the greatest human mission since ancient times.
After this moment, the bride and groom will have three new statuses.
First, as a husband and wife, they have the status of a married couple. Second, as a son-in-law and daughter-in-law, they have the status of a son-in-law and daughter-in-law in relation to their parents-in-law. Third, they have the status of being a member of a family, or a generation, as a social group. Therefore, they must faithfully carry out the duties and missions corresponding to each of these statuses.
First, as a married couple, they must cultivate a harmonious family. The most important thing in creating this harmonious family is that the everlasting love must continue. What else must be done to maintain this everlasting love? The essential key is that each person must respect the other’s personality and continue to be considerate of the other.
When a couple continues to have sex with such love, they understand each other, make concessions, endure even when they get angry, and encourage each other when they face difficulties.
In this process, they become an ideal couple. In short, marriage is not about meeting an ideal spouse from the beginning, but about becoming an ideal couple for each other as you live together.
Finally, as members of society, I hope that you will become a wonderful family that loves and cares for the natural environment while always respecting and caring for your neighbors and contributing to the creation of a bright society while abiding by social norms. Finally, I hope that you will have many children and raise them well to fulfill your mission of contributing to the nation and society.
I conclude my speech by wishing the groom, ○○○-kun, and the bride, ○○○-san, a wonderful life together. I hope you will always be an exemplary couple.
Thank you.


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