We’ve collected 3-minute speech manuscripts from CEO Seminar speakers. Get insights and ideas from leaders in short, punchy messages. Get hints for growth.
- Topic - How to do good management
- Topic - Harmonization with each department is important
- Topic - Bookkeeping and accounting shouldn't be overlooked
- Topic - Captivate consumers with the unexpected
- Topic - We are all pioneers clearing the wasteland
- Topic - Creative Management
- Topic - It's all about teamwork
- Topic - Successful CEOs
Topic – How to do good management
Hello, everyone.
My name is ○○○.
It’s a real pleasure to be here with so many executives.
Your ambition and passion.
I think you’ll come away with a lot to learn.
There are a few things you need to keep in mind if you want to be good at management.
The first is people, and the second is your philosophy.
These are things that everyone knows, but they’re not easy.
A good manager is a profitable manager.
You have to make a profit somehow, and you have to make a profit.
But I had to realize that there is a path to profit.
But as long as people have the desire to make a lot of money.
Things like the financial crisis happen over and over again.
Managers need to learn the thievery of a lion, which no longer hunts its prey when it is full.
I’m convinced that narcissism, the desire to make a lot of money for myself, doesn’t last long.
You need a bigger love, the love of making everyone happy, including your customers and employees.
Only then will you last.
A manager must have a philosophy.
Rather than motivating people with money, you need to motivate them with something that burns deep in their hearts.
It’s all about heart and character.
A heart for people, a philosophy for management.
I hope it’s a company where everyone can win-win.
Thank you all for listening.
May your families and your future always be full of good fortune.
Thank you.
Topic – Harmonization with each department is important
Hello, everyone.
This is your presenter, Mr. ○○○.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the attendance of so many executives.
Your enthusiasm and attitude make me believe that Korea can grow even bigger in the world.
How to do management well.
There are many ways.
But most importantly, there is no better way than to strengthen teamwork throughout the organization.
There are many departments.
I don’t think a team is really a team if it’s made up of people looking out for their own interests.
They’re hanging out together, but they’re not really working together.
They’re just working for the benefit and performance of their own departments and to protect their own terms and conditions, and they’re not going to find common ground and they’re going to drift apart.
To build a really great team, you have to instill in them the mentality that they have to put their heads together and try to survive together.
It’s a very difficult thing to do.
It’s also a huge challenge for managers.
Think about it.
If the marketing department did too well on its own, orders and sales would skyrocket, and manufacturing wouldn’t be able to keep up.
You can’t get things into consumers’ hands fast enough.
Trust would break down.
And you’d end up tarnishing your image.
You’ll have to spend more money on marketing in the future to improve your image.
A vicious cycle.
Cross-functional collaboration is crucial.
You need to create an environment where all employees share the vision.
You need to respect each department’s characteristics and have a constant dialog.
Many managers struggle.
They think about how to manage well, but they’re not really interested in having conversations and shared vision with their employees.
At the end of the day, I think the key word in any situation is people.
I hope you guys get people.
Thank you for listening, everyone.
May your homes and your futures always be filled with good fortune.
Thank you.
Topic – Bookkeeping and accounting shouldn’t be overlooked
Good afternoon, everyone.
I’m your presenter, ○○○.
It’s a real pleasure to be here with so many business owners.
Your ambition and passion.
I think I will go home with a lot of knowledge.
There is only one thing I would like to tell young entrepreneurs.
Many people in business don’t really understand what business is.
For example, even if you own a small restaurant or sell vegetables, you need bookkeeping or accounting.
However, people who don’t know bookkeeping or accounting are the placenta.
At first glance, it looks like you’re making a profit, but when you look at it, the money you’ve made is disguised as raw material costs, or it goes into capital investment.
That’s why no matter how hard you work, there is no profit left.
Not enough funds, no profit.
This is the voice of a beginner business owner.
You need to learn bookkeeping, accounting first.
You have to learn it.
If you can’t do it yourself, get an accountant to do it for you.
Sweat equity is the only real profit.
Work is not a means of living, but a training ground for the soul.
It’s part of Eastern management philosophy.
I stand at the antithesis of Western capitalism, which is based on the pursuit of profit, shareholder centeredness, and performance.
I oppose the idea that a business is just about making money.
I want business to be about compassion, about loving your vendors, your employees, your customers, and wanting to do well for everyone.
I hope all of us in this room feel the same way.
Thank you, everyone, for listening.
May your homes and your futures always be filled with good fortune.
Thank you.
Topic – Captivate consumers with the unexpected
Hello, everyone.
I’m your presenter ○○○.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the attendance of so many executives.
Your enthusiasm and attitude make me believe that Korea can grow even bigger in the world.
I’m going to talk about unexpectedness.
Unexpectedness is something that breaks people’s expectations.
It’s about coming to a counterintuitive conclusion.
It’s about catching people off guard, building suspense, and grabbing attention.
Who’s the CEO who best envisions the unexpected?
It’s probably Steve Jobs of Apple.
People are always shocked by his unexpected quirks.
Steve Jobs capitalizes on this unexpectedness a lot.
When Apple introduces the lightest, thinnest computer ever, he does a little performance.
He delivers a briefcase to the stage, tears it open, and pulls out the computer from inside.
Wow, who would have thought a computer would come out of that little briefcase.
He’s quirky, unique, and unexpected.
He knows how to make his product stand out and he knows how to make himself stand out.
What I have, what I’ve done, how I can make myself stand out.
More broadly, how to make your company’s product, your company’s image, your presentation stand out.
I want you to think about it.
A little surprise will get people to open up to you and your company.
Because the truth is, consumers want to be surprised and they want to be pleasantly surprised.
Thank you for listening, everyone.
May your homes and your futures always be filled with good fortune.
Thank you.
Topic – We are all pioneers clearing the wasteland
Good afternoon, everyone.
I’m your presenter, ○○○.
I am truly honored to see so many CEOs here today.
It’s a real pleasure to be here.
I can feel the positive energy from all these passionate and ambitious leaders.
This is my greatest joy.
What areas are you preparing for?
Are you scared because it’s a wasteland?
If you want to cultivate a wasteland, here’s the first thing you need to do.
The first thing you do is put stakes in the field to mark the boundaries.
It’s just a matter of deciding which part of the large wasteland you want to work this year first.
As with all things, you won’t be able to work all that land in a short amount of time.
Are you getting anxious and impatient because you’re not getting results and not getting responses?
Forgetting yourself, not trusting your people.
It’s a wasteland.
But the truth is, we’re all pioneers in the wasteland.
We don’t have an allotted area to begin with.
We just carve it out with our own stakes, according to our own vessel, according to the size of our dreams.
Of course, that wasteland doesn’t turn into an octo overnight.
There’s a proper sequence, there are steps.
And you have to know when to wait.
It’s only up to you.
Have you created an inner vessel that can hold it well.
I want you to constantly ask yourself this question.
There was a time when you thought you had built a big, strong vessel, but lately you might be wondering if you even have one.
If you don’t build up your own capabilities, which are endless when you think about it, they’re useless.
I take a long, deep breath and will myself to turn my land into octo.
Like a potter molding a vessel.
Like a clearing man shaping a wasteland.
I will set goals and plans and take it one day at a time.
A day becomes a month, a month becomes a year, a year becomes a day, and you need to build a very solid foundation for this precious day.
May we live our lives to the best of our ability to fill the quota that we’ve been given today.
Thank you for listening, everyone.
May your homes and your futures always be happy.
Thank you.
Topic – Creative Management
Good morning, everyone.
I’m glad to see so many of you here.
When working in the field, there are many employees who work without a sense of ownership.
No matter how much we have a relationship, I still want them to take some responsibility for their work.
However, you can’t blame them for not taking ownership.
This is the time for creative management.
The current era has exposed the limitations of the traditional way of solving problems.
If employees are overwhelmed with orders and orders, they lose their sense of ownership.
Employees end up working with a sense of entitlement and expendability.
You can’t be proactive with this mindset.
They’re just grudgingly working.
We need to break out of that and think of new ways that we haven’t seen in the past.
I would say that corporate culture is important.
A company’s vision or creative management activities are empty if they are not internalized by the employees themselves.
I think it can only be successful if we are truly united, communicating and empathizing.
Corporate culture activities are the means to move and communicate.
A company’s culture is formed over a long period of time by reflecting the thoughts and feelings of its employees.
In other words, you need to have a clear goal of the kind of culture you want to create, and you need to be consistent and persistent to see results.
When discussing company well-being or renewing your overall company well-being project, listen to your employees and actively try to implement or change what they say.
This can help quell some of the initial pushback or distrust that may come with any company culture initiative.
Also, if you’re genuine with your employees, they’ll start to see that your company is changing.
Topic – It’s all about teamwork
We’re constantly asked how to effectively manage people in an organization.
Again, it seems to me that the relationships between people are the most difficult and esoteric.
Old organizations are flexible but boring.
New organizations are full of mistakes, with frequent turf battles and poor coordination.
I don’t think there’s a perfect organization that doesn’t have problems.
We had a team that specialized in video production.
Due to the nature of the work, there were a lot of things that were done alone, and the teamwork was not as good as other teams because I divided the schedule among myself.
One by one, problems started to appear due to poor teamwork.
When things went wrong, people were busy blaming each other, saying it wasn’t their job, and conflicts between team members grew.
When you’re not supportive of each other when you see a problem, and you’re too busy blaming each other, you’re going to have a lot of resentment.
Not to mention the number of team members leaving the organization.
An organization without teamwork is like a sand tower that can collapse at any moment.
At the slightest vibration, it’s guaranteed to crumble.
The only thing to blame is that the leader of that organization didn’t do a good job.
As a leader of an organization, you shouldn’t forget that it’s also your job to govern and inspire your people.
Managing work and people is the hardest part of being in a top-level organization.
To foster communication within your team, start by making sure everyone is sharing their work.
You should also try to have team meetings once a week so that everyone knows what’s going on, and collaborate when it’s relevant to their work, so that there’s a natural supportive atmosphere.
When organizing workshops, it’s a good idea to have one team member take turns being the PM so that everyone is actively involved in the workshop.
Plan the workshop at least a month in advance and have people talk about it whenever they have time.
It’s no surprise that with a little bit more time together, sharing work, and everyone coming together as a unit, the team will start to feel much better than before.
Thanks for listening, everyone.
Topic – Successful CEOs
Good afternoon, everyone.
I’d like to extend a warm welcome to all of you for this seminar, The Successful CEO.
I hope this seminar will help you get your rigid CEO brains a little more fuzzy and help you become the flexible thinkers that today’s world demands.
We all dream of success and strive for it.
Korean companies in particular try really, really hard, to the point where foreigners are often surprised.
But the weird thing is that Korean companies that work themselves to death are always 2% short, and foreigners who seem to be working half-heartedly are always coming up with something innovative and new.
What’s going on?
The world’s leading companies take their employees’ spontaneous enthusiasm and engagement for granted.
They don’t need to manage and polish their employees through elaborate systems, they just do their job.
Instead, the leaders of these companies are stepping up to the plate and urging them to “cut loose and play.
At 3M, a global materials and consumer products company, employees are encouraged to spend 15% of their day doing something completely unrelated to work.
During that time, employees listen to music, doodle, draw, and do other non-work-related activities to keep their brains firing.
The flexible thinking that comes from a firing brain has helped 3M create world-leading products like Post-It, Scotch tape, and high-definition OHP film.
Generations have changed.
They’re different than previous generations, with bigger, softer brains.
They can’t work to their fullest potential in the same forced and coercive atmosphere as in the past.
It’s a waste of their talents and abilities to give them a job that fits within the existing walls, instead of allowing them to be flexible and creative thinkers.
To be a successful CEO, you, the boss, need to change.
A company that thinks that firing people 24/7 is the only way to succeed is likely to be a “dying company.
Be flexible and keep up with the mindset of the new generation.
And then embrace the innovations they create with glee.
And with that, I’d like to conclude with the hope that each and every one of you in this room will have the bendy, flexible mindset to become a successful CEO.
Thank you.