CEO Seminar Speaker 3-Minute Speech Example Collection

The CEO Seminar Speaker 3-Minute Speech Collection provides business leaders and speakers with examples and ideas to inspire audiences and clarify key messages in a short amount of time.


Topic – We need to change middle managers

When I went to a university and was asked what I wanted to do after graduation, the question was very simple and straightforward: “Would you rather work for a domestic company or an international company? The response was very high, especially from female students. I tried to convince them by explaining the advantages of domestic companies. The answer was the same: I had interned at a few companies, but I didn’t think I could survive in a hierarchical relationship. It’s all about communication.
One boss liked coffee-milk, so he bought instant coffee for 250 won and mixed it with milk. The coffee was not very hot because he had to add cold milk from a convenience store. He said that he talked to him with great care.
“It’s okay, you’ve got this much consideration.
For the first time, he wondered if this was what social life was like, if he was such a useless human being, and why he worked so hard on the TOEIC. Is this the way the world is?
According to many HR consulting reports, the person who has the most influence on employees’ satisfaction with their company and work is not the CEO or executive, but their direct supervisor. This means that middle managers play a huge role in creating an organizational culture where employees feel passionate about their work and are able to generate creative ideas. As a leader, you should make it a priority to get your middle managers to change and collaborate with you in spreading an organizational culture based on core values.
As always, it’s critical for corporate HR leaders to keep the talent they’ve worked so hard to bring into the organization from leaving for other companies. Younger talent, in particular, cite the vertical communication, authoritarian hierarchy, and closed corporate culture of local companies as the main reasons for turnover. It’s a shame.
Says one female scholar. The male-dominated and conservative corporate culture of domestic companies gives foreign companies in Korea the reflex advantage of easily recruiting talented female employees. Perhaps bosses should take a little weight off their shoulders and consider the employees below them. It is the role of leaders to help them think and act in this way.
Thank you very much for listening, everyone.



Topic – Back to basics

How not to stumble in a crisis.
How not to make mistakes, how to avoid failure.
It’s the “basics.
It’s been true before and it’s true now: get the basics right and you’ll succeed.
The pace of change is only going to accelerate, and it’s disorienting.
And our needs will become more sophisticated and diverse.
The way to fulfill these more complex needs is to stay true to the basics.
Perhaps sticking to the basics is more about pursuing the value of quality over quantity.
What is the basic purpose of customers choosing a product?
It’s the quality of the product.
No matter how fancy the packaging is or how famous the actor is, if the quality is not good, customers will turn away from the product.
It’s only a matter of time before it becomes a boss product.
It’s easy to focus on tangible numbers like sales, so it’s easy to focus on marketing strategies to increase “quantity,” like increasing sales.
But in the long run, a marketing strategy that focuses on the bottom line won’t work.
That’s because today’s consumers are looking for value from brands, not just price competitiveness.
Customers of all ages will rave about a product if it’s high quality, provides the best service, and gives them the psychological satisfaction they expect from a brand.
While short-term discounts and promotions may succeed in creating temporary goodwill, it’s important to remember that if you don’t satisfy the basics, you’ll only be alienating customers for a short time.
The only thing we need to remember is to take the basics seriously.
And that’s it.
Thank you, everyone, for listening.



Topic – Strong Leadership

What kind of person am I?
I grew up always being told not to follow the majority, to make your own decisions and take action.
If I believed something was right, I would always go for it and prove it to myself.
I learned the world by bumping into things, some successfully and some not so successfully.
I never resisted my parents’ teachings and tried to adapt.
I believe this influenced my later strong drive to follow my convictions.
I entered college, joined clubs, and took a minor to learn something different from my major.
I founded a service organization and became president, which allowed me to talk and interact with a lot of people.
In my senior year of college, I traveled abroad and tried to learn about the world.
No matter what I did, I always had a clear idea of where I was going and tried to act consciously.
I had only one goal.
I wanted to be a leader.
What kind of leader am I?
People say.
They say you’re listening to people, but you’re not listening.
They say I’m a bully who pretends to be compassionate.
At the end of the day, I want people to change on my terms, on my terms.
The Republic of Korea, the republic of Ik and Eul, the Eul of the world.
They say Ik is wearing a fancy mask.
It’s cruel.
But I finally understand and acknowledge that they are right.
I thought I was different from many of the Guks in the world.
But I was no different from them.
I was just a good mask wearing a bad mask.
I’m here to tell you that a strong leader like me must also recognize the limitations.
I felt like I was becoming more and more of a loner.
None of the smiling faces were real.
Even a founding member of the team disagreed with me over things like company integration, and eventually he left.
As we became more successful, I became more of an infantile loner.
How about you?
I want you to think about whether you are using or abusing your power.
What kind of person am I?



Theme – The power of not sweating the small stuff

When you think about it, there are many things that are amazing.
Every day, there are new songs that overcome the limitations of the old ones.
From then until now, it’s amazing to think that there’s something else out there.
People are constantly thinking and creating.
They say that creative people are in the spotlight, but how many people think that they are the creative people?
Because I’m just a normal person with a normal mindset, normal food, and a normal life.
There are new technologies coming out in the field of information technology (IT) these days, but it’s definitely hard to create something completely new under the sky.
I always ask them to come up with ideas that should be springing up, but it’s not easy.
Instead of just ordering them to come up with something new, why not inspire them?
Just like me, my employees are just ordinary people.
Turning ordinary people into creative people is what leaders do.
A good leader is one who motivates their people.
Looking around you and seeing things from new perspectives and angles that you’ve never seen before, and finding inspiration in things that don’t seem to go together at all – that’s what idea discovery is all about.
If you’re in product development or design, you often travel abroad to do market research.
When they do, they’ll often look at something completely different than underwear.
For example, the structure of a building can give us a lot of ideas, and we often look at the restrooms.
The restroom is the one place in the building where everyone can go and everyone needs it.
But it’s also designed to be in harmony with the overall structure of the building, and there’s a lot of inspiration to be found in the way restrooms are designed these days, with original interiors and functional features.
I think original ideas start with the discovery of ordinary things.
The power to develop your thinking, to notice the little things.
That’s the beginning, isn’t it?
Thank you for listening, everyone.



Topic – The Importance of Communication

Good morning, everyone.
Let’s think about what communication is.
Communication is not a one-way street, it’s a two-way street.
Communication is an act of sharing meaning through symbolic interaction, it is a process of establishing commonality, and it consists of the process of meeting, talking, and sharing.Human individuals identify and realize themselves through communication.
According to Irish statesman Sean McBride, winner of both the Nobel Prize and the Lenin Prize, communication is what moves us from instinct to inspiration. Organizations establish legitimacy through communication, and organizational decisions gain legitimacy through communication.
Societies rely on communication to achieve balanced development.
However, lack of communication leads to alienation, alienation leads to confrontation, and confrontation leads to violence and struggle.
We can say that balanced development, free from violence and struggle, is mostly a product of communication.Let’s think about how to communicate well.
First, we need to be humble.
Humility is called humility in English, which comes from the Latin word humus, which means human.
Humus means dirt.
Soil’s function is to take in all the waste that humans throw away, rot it, turn it into manure, and help plants grow.
Soil never shows off.
Humility is the most important element of communication.
Second, we need to recognize the other person.
The scriptures say that when a bride and groom have mutual respect, peace comes naturally.
When the communicator and the communicatee recognize each other, communication will take care of itself.
Third, we need to put ourselves in the other person’s shoes.
In psychology, this is called empathy.
Another way to say it is reverse geography.
Putting yourself in the other person’s shoes is a great way to communicate.
Fourth, we need to listen to the other person before we speak.
There is a saying that if you speak first, it becomes a confrontation, but if you listen first, it becomes a conversation.
If you have one mouth and two ears, you speak once and listen twice.
Fifth, we need to clear our minds.
We should always communicate in good faith, without any prejudice, preconceived notions, or stereotypes about the other person.
Because goodwill is the foundation of communication.
Yulgok likened communication to the “vitality of a nation” and claimed that “the rise and fall of a nation depends on the opening and closing of speech,” while Hangul scholar Joo Ji-kyung said, “When speech rises, the nation rises; when speech falls, the nation falls. “When words rise, the nation rises, and when words fall, the nation falls.
Professor Francis Fukuyama of Johns Hopkins University in the United States argues that the development of a country is determined by the level of trust inherent in the country.
We should realize that words, speech, and trust levels are all phenomena that are related to communication.
Thank you, everyone, for listening.



Topic – Growth comes from people

Hello, everyone.
Let’s think about what are the current issues for Korean companies.
How can we drive sustainable growth in the future?
We’re trying to find new growth engines, product development and innovation, but I don’t think there is a clear answer yet.
Let go of the bottom 10% of employees.
Always check, check, check.
It’s a war for talent, and you have to spend a lot of money to get the best people.
The fierce, tough, charismatic leader wins.
These are the business myths that many managers believe in.
I emphasize the importance of a human-centered strategy.
I think it is a necessary condition for sustainable growth.
Where does technology development come from?
Technology development comes from the minds of people, not the other way around.
Do you know what many global companies consider when choosing offshore production and R&D locations?
They don’t look at taxes, rebates, or financial resources.
They look at people.
Silicon Valley’s success story is not just about low labor costs and cost of living.
It’s because we have the best educational institutions and have been able to attract the best talent from around the world as immigrants.
In other words, it’s all about talent.
The secret to successful companies and economies is attracting and retaining good people.
If you ask Eric Schmidt, the chairman of Google, what his strategy is, he basically says it’s about attracting and retaining good people and letting them go.
You can’t compete with places like Bangladesh with low wages.
You have to focus on innovation and quality of product and service.
Using talent and technology to create new products and services to make the company successful.
I’m sure that’s another way of saying how you manage and retain people.
Thank you very much for listening, everyone.



Topic – General Manager, I hope you have good employees

In the 21st century, what’s the image of the Chief of Staff?
On the one hand, we think of a time when the ideal master-servant relationship no longer exists.
On the other hand, we might think of a shadowy figure in the age of Western values and the digital information revolution.
Is there such a thing as a mastermind, and is there such a thing as mastermind loyalty?
There’s a guy named Steven Malmer.
He’s Bill Gates’ chief of staff.
He joined Microsoft in 1980 as the company’s 28th employee, and in less than 20 years, he helped build the company into the world’s largest company.
The relationship between Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer throughout Microsoft’s growth story has given rise to the expression.
“Microsoft is the Gates and Ballmer one-man show.”
“While Bill Gates is seen by many as leading Microsoft, those in the know recognize that Steve Ballmer is behind many of Microsoft’s greatest triumphs.”
“Gates is a technologist, a strategist, and a commander-in-chief. Ballmer, on the other hand, is a businessman, mother, and field commander.”
“Gates is the antitrust litigator, Ballmer runs the company.”
He even went so far as to say.
“They are the gatekeeper and the grim reaper. One prepares the afterlife, the other brings death.”
The relationship between the two men has been essential in Microsoft’s history.
It’s often said that Gates sets the direction for Microsoft, but it’s Ballmer who figures out how to get there.
The success of Microsoft is a collaboration between the two of them, and I think you should know more about that.
People are the most important thing in leading a company.
I think it’s a key factor.
How many good people do you have by your side?
You have to have them first.
They can guide you and push you where you’re lacking.
Bill Gates was successful because of Mr. Ballmer.
Successful people have a staff.
Someone who can make you successful.
I hope you get that person first.
Thank you for listening.



Topic – Taking a different path

In general, we see the “8 to 2 rule” apply in many cases in the startup market.
This means that 80% of entrepreneurs fail and only 20% succeed.
When starting a business, we all want to be in the success zone.
Who doesn’t start a business with the same determination and determination?
Most of us have a “here or there” mentality.
Success is for the few, but failure is for the many.
Success is sweet, but failure is bitter.
A world where only a few succeed is a natural world, but it’s not easy to accept.
Why is it that so many fail and so few succeed?
What is it about the few who succeed that makes them different?
I did the same thing, I did market research, I tried to do it.
They worked day in and day out and just focused.
What I can say with certainty is that the few who succeed think differently than the 80% who fail.
In every area of business, everyone has competition.
In this inevitable situation, I would advise you not to desperately compete with your competitors, but rather to avoid competition.
What are some ways to avoid competition?
By creating something so different about the product or service that you’re competing with that you’re eliminating the competition yourself.
This is fine if you can compete fiercely and be the best, but most of us can’t escape the law of survival of the fittest, so you should intentionally try to go in a different direction than most of your competitors as much as possible.
This can be an adventure and a very difficult process, but it’s important to remember that it’s something you must consider if you want to truly succeed and avoid further failure.
The success of Manopin, which makes and sells only muffins among its many breads and cakes, is instructive as neighborhood bakeries are closing one by one in the face of large franchise bakeries.
While most neighborhood bakeries are worried about expanding their bread offerings like large bakery specialty stores, Manopin’s focus on one small cupcake, the muffin, has become a major success factor.
One-a-Day is an example of an internet shop that became hugely successful by focusing on one product, selling one thing a day, when other competitors were worried about expanding their offerings to sell more products.
Am I competing the same way like the majority of people right now?
Or am I envisioning my business in a different way, like the few who succeed.
If you don’t want to fail, don’t copy the ways of the unsuccessful.
You need to realize that the secret to building a small, strong company is to take a different path than everyone else.


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