Why do some memories last a long time and others disappear easily? We will explore the mystery of the expiration date through the mechanism of memory formation and storage. People say, “Man is an animal of forgetfulness. Some memories stay deep in someone’s mind, but some disappear in a few hours. This is a phenomenon that can be easily observed in our daily lives. For example...
Why should we learn more about the Ice Bucket Challenge and Lou Gehrig’s disease?
The Ice Bucket Challenge was created to raise awareness and interest in the suffering of people with Lou Gehrig’s disease. This disease gradually paralyzes muscles, but there is no cure yet. Many people are participating in the challenge to raise awareness and support for patients. “Shoo-hoo, ooh! It’s cold!” Recently, videos of people pouring ice water on...
Are all phenomena in nature purposeful or simply the result of chance?
This article examines the purpose of natural phenomena based on Aristotle’s teleology and discusses the perspectives, criticisms, and ecological reappraisal of modern and contemporary science. Is everything that happens in nature purposeful? Ants that scramble to carry tree branches and leaves larger than their bodies certainly seem to have a purpose. Through these actions, ants help...
Why do we get depressed in winter? How do seasonal changes affect our bodies and minds?
Why do we get depressed in winter? We look at the effects of seasonal changes on our bodies and minds, and the science behind them. As the hot summer sun sets and fall slowly approaches, more people than ever are complaining of depression. This is a serious problem that cannot be dismissed as a simple change in mood, and it is gaining more attention as interest in mental health grows in...
Is nuclear power still a safe energy source after the Fukushima accident?
Since the Fukushima accident, there has been an ongoing debate about the safety and necessity of nuclear power. Is nuclear power really essential to Korea’s energy future? The nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan in March 2011 became a major global issue. Since then, the safety of nuclear power plants has become a hot topic, and the development of...
Are human experiments on violent criminals justified?
Are human experiments on violent criminals justified? This article explores the possibilities and limitations of such experiments by examining the conflict between human rights, ethics, and scientific development. I recently read on a personal blog that “human experiments could be conducted on people in prison”. This article was a proposal to conduct experiments on people who...
What is the role of imagination in philosophy and how does it work?
What is the role of imagination in philosophy? This course explores the function and importance of the imagination, focusing on the views of Hume and Kant, and examining interpretations in modern philosophy. What does philosophy consider imagination to be, and how does it define its role? Hume, who considered imagination to be a key issue in philosophy, is considered to be the first...
Why do we act differently in a crowd?
People often behave differently in crowds. Psychological mechanisms such as crowding, conformity, and social facilitation explain this. Anonymity, group pressure, and the presence of others influence behavior, and understanding these factors helps to make fair and accurate judgments. These days, there are many reports of violent incidents in the news. There are many articles that make me...
How should art be defined, and why is a philosophical approach important?
Understanding the nature of art requires different philosophical approaches. This book explores changes in the concept of art, including imitation theory, expression theory, formalism, and institutionalism, and highlights the importance of defining art. Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy that discusses concepts and theories related to art and aesthetic experience, and the question of...
Can genius be created through hard work, or is it all about natural talent?
The relationship between innate talent and acquired effort has been debated since ancient times. Can effort alone surpass genius? We explore this through several examples. Since ancient times, people have debated whether human behavior is determined by nature from birth or by acquired character that is nurtured through education. In ancient China, during the Warring States period, Mencius...