At a wedding, the officiant delivers words of blessing and advice to the bride and groom. Here’s how to write a moving and meaningful wedding speech.
- Theme - Recognize each other's individuality and resolve conflicts through dialogue
- Theme - The Scent of Love
- Theme - I hope that the two of you, who are starting a new life together, will always be harmonious and full of love
- Theme - I hope you realize that your partner is more right
- Theme - Have a heart of love and consideration for others
- Theme – Please be considerate of each other
- Theme - Be a couple who enjoy being with each other rather than trying to change each other
- Theme - Try to think in the other person's perspective
- Theme - Please value the time you spend together
- Theme - Live as you are and love and respect each other as you are
Theme – Recognize each other’s individuality and resolve conflicts through dialogue
The season of fruition, when all life is ripening like a big taro!
We sincerely congratulate the groom, ○○○, and the bride, ○○○, on their holy marriage, which we have always cherished and loved. We also sincerely congratulate the parents of the bride and groom, who have raised them and brought them to this day.
The groom and bride standing here today are at the very beginning of their lives as members of society, and the first step is to build a solid home. Since the foundation of their growth and social learning process is different, they may have different opinions and often feel conflicted because they do not think the same way about any role.
It is only through constant effort that it is possible to narrow such differences easily, to develop the possibility of overcoming each other’s psychological conflicts more easily, and to achieve a happy family in which both husband and wife make concessions and respect each other as one.
There is no such thing as coincidence when a man and a woman meet. They meet and fall in love and even get married because the invisible hand of heaven arranges it that way.
For everyone, marriage is the beginning of a new life. Until now, the bride and groom have been educated and raised in different families, but from now on, they will live together as a married couple in the same house, so I would like to give some advice that will help them live wisely in this world and build a happy family.
The bride and groom love each other and recognize that each has a different personality in accordance with gender equality. They resolve problems wisely through dialogue and work harder at what they do to become the winners in this world. Remember that this is the best gift of filial piety that the bride and groom can give to their parents, who have raised them well until today.
I have a lot to say to the newlyweds starting out today, but if there is one word I want to say to them again and again, it is this: I want them to always be grateful to their parents for raising them so well, and to keep these two words in their hearts for the rest of their lives.
And I earnestly ask you to become a wise couple who can turn any crisis into an opportunity for a new leap forward, even if you face one in your life. I will replace the wedding ceremony with this speech.
I wish the bride and groom happiness in the future, and may God’s blessings always be with the bride and groom’s families. Thank you.
Theme – The Scent of Love
Today, I would like to offer my sincere congratulations to the groom, ○○○, and the bride, ○○○, on their marriage.
As someone who has been watching them for a long time, I think it is a great blessing to have met such a well-matched couple and to have a joyous day like today.
On behalf of the bride and groom, I would like to express my gratitude to all the guests who have come together on this wonderful day, to the parents of both families who have raised the couple so well, and to all the relatives.
Congratulations once again to the couple who have now become husband and wife.
When I am with the two of them, I can smell something beautiful.
It is not the scent of any perfume.
It is the scent of “love” and “consideration” that comes from the beautiful hearts of the two of them who care for each other.
The two of them care for and love each other more than anyone else, and they know how to give to others as much as they love each other.
The two have been volunteering for the elderly living alone for a long time, even before they got married today.
They must have had their tough times, but they have continued to provide beautiful volunteer services, supporting each other in their difficulties.
The union of the two today will be a beautiful opportunity to spread love to more people in the future.
The two will continue to help the lonely elderly with love, and will be dutiful sons and daughters to the elderly.
They will also have a beautiful son and daughter and build a happy family.
And the fragrance that they will give off will spread to many more people in the future.
It makes me very proud to have such wonderful people around us, and it makes me even more happy to be able to bless their marriage.
I believe that the fragrance that they will give off will also be felt in the homes of all of you here.
I hope that you two will always build a beautiful and fragrant home like today.
Once again, I congratulate you on your marriage.
Theme – I hope that the two of you, who are starting a new life together, will always be harmonious and full of love
First of all, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to the parents of the bride and groom on this joyous occasion. I would also like to thank the family and friends of the bride and groom who have come to the wedding despite their busy schedules, and all the guests on behalf of the bride and groom.
There is a Russian proverb that says, “When you sail the sea, pray once; when you go to war, pray twice; and when you get married, pray three times.” This shows that marriage is a very important decision and judgment in life, indeed the most important decision and judgment of a lifetime. The bride and groom, who are getting married today because of this important decision, deserve congratulations and blessings. I hope that the two of you, who are starting a new life together, will always be harmonious and full of love, and I hope that this will help you build a happy family.
The most important thing in living as a married couple is to respect each other as husband and wife and to live in harmony. The most basic thing to achieve a happy marriage is the harmony of the two. The bride and groom have grown up in different environments, but from now on, they must escape from that atmosphere and create new values in a new environment.
People have different backgrounds, so their personalities and lifestyles are bound to be different. It is not easy for two people who grew up in different environments to get married, start a family, and live together for the rest of their lives. Therefore, in order to achieve harmony between a couple, they must have an understanding and a caring heart for each other.
There will be many good things in your life, but you will also face many difficulties. There is a Western saying that is a necessary saying for people to remember in their lifetime, whether they are happy or sad. “This too shall pass.” In other words, any joy, sadness, or difficulty will pass.
Finally, I would like to say a few words to the guests. You are here today to celebrate the future of the two of them. Please don’t just end by watching the two of them start a new life together today. Please continue to pay attention to the two of them and give them warm advice and encouragement so that they can build a happy family.
Once again, I would like to extend my sincere congratulations to the two of you on your wedding. I will now give a short speech instead of a full sermon. Thank you for listening.
Theme – I hope you realize that your partner is more right
Today, the parents of the bride and groom, I have been able to calm the typhoon with your earnest prayers and have been blessed with good weather. First of all, I would like to thank you for being here today. I would like to ask the bride and groom, who are probably the most nervous and tense of all, a question: “Where is the most beautiful sea in the world?”
That’s right. “I love you.”
“I love you.” Try whispering that once. Do it with the people around you. Isn’t that nice?
When I was asked to do this, I was going to decline because I didn’t think I had anything special to say, but I thought the words of the neighbor might be needed, as the atmosphere of his house is a little different from the house where I grew up. This is because I believe that it is better to get along with each other rather than stick to your own group. Someone once said, “If three people walk down the street, there is always a teacher.” There is also a saying, “Always make friends with people who are better than you.” What does this mean?
“A better person” does not mean a person who is learned, rich, or has power in the secular sense, or a person who is likely to have those qualities. Then, as you move up the ladder, who would you want to be friends with? I take these words to mean that there is something to learn from anyone, and that there are things about them that are better than me, so I can learn from them as much as I want, so I should find those things and make them my friends. Isn’t finding those things wisdom?
I hope the newlyweds will find many things they like about each other and have a good relationship. Will they always be happy just because they are married? Couples will experience a lot of stress in their lives. Some stress is good because it motivates self-development, but too much is a problem. Why do most stresses occur? In my opinion, they occur because we think we are right. If I am right, it will bring me more stress. Then, the thought that you are right and you are also right will be a prescription for preventing and avoiding stress. I hope you realize that your opponent is more right.
Today, the newlyweds and all of you who have come to celebrate are all here with beautiful hearts. I hope you will keep this pure heart and affection for a long time. And I wish you all the best. Thank you.
Theme – Have a heart of love and consideration for others
As we welcome May, the queen of the seasons, I have prepared this meaningful occasion to celebrate the bride and groom as they begin their beautiful journey together with their friends, family, relatives, colleagues, and seniors. I am here today not as a minister of the wedding but as a senior colleague and mentor to spread the fragrance of beautiful and deep love to the couple’s journey.
I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to all the guests who have come together to celebrate the marriage of the two people in the midst of their busy schedules. No matter how good the wedding ceremony is, it would not be complete without the encouragement and congratulations of the family and friends who have gathered here in Hwacheon-dong. I would like to say a few words for the two people who are starting a new life together.
Congratulations to the bride and groom on their marriage. May you be happy for the rest of your lives. And when you are reborn in the distant future and are asked if you love each other, may you be able to say that you will be each other’s beacon in this harsh world, and that you will be together for eternity. I sincerely hope that you will have a beautiful journey together.
And be a gentle person. A gentle heart is a heart that cares for and loves others. If I want to eat meat today, but my partner wants to eat noodles, I hope that you will be willing to eat noodles and live with a happy feeling of consideration, rather than the feeling of satisfaction from eating meat. I sincerely hope that you will become a thoughtful and warm husband and wife who cherish and consider each other, even if it is just one small thing, rather than impressing others with big things. These days, it is said that the wedding ceremony should be simple and straightforward, so I will summarize the wedding ceremony here.
The bride and groom should respect and understand each other as husband and wife, help and love each other, fulfill their responsibilities and duties, and keep the oath mentioned in the marriage vows to the end. And I ask that you keep the noble and solemn mindset that you felt at this moment forever. As a final request to the bride and groom, who will be together from today, I would like to replace the wedding ceremony with the following words: “I sincerely hope that you will be a lifelong couple, with one candle lighting the other, becoming each other’s light.” Thank you.
Thank you.
Theme – Please be considerate of each other
Today, this young and beautiful couple made the most important choice of their lives, getting married. I think their hearts are very excited, and I hope this excitement will last a lifetime.
This couple will probably have many thoughts now and in the future.
In particular, the question of whether it is possible to love only one person forever is a question that everyone has, and they will have many other thoughts.
There are many kinds of love in the world.
Unconditional love, passionate love, poor love, and selfish and altruistic love.
Above all, the love between parents and children can be said to be unconditional love. Therefore, if you see the endless affection that parents show to their children, you can say that there is eternal love in the world.
However, eternal love also requires effort and attention to each other. It will take a lot of effort to have endless affection for each other.
If a couple can find their inner beauty and respect, care for, cherish, and make concessions to each other, can they call it truly beautiful love?
At first, everyone will attach great significance to the life they will spend with their partner.
And there is a thrill that comes from being happy to see each other, missing each other when we part, and ultimately wanting to be together all the time.
But the reality of marriage is that after 10, 20, or 30 years of marriage, conflicts arise over trivial things and you fight with each other. And there will come a time when you will reconsider marrying that person.
This may be a burden to the couple who is getting married now, but I hope you will listen to it with an understanding of the reality and the wish that they will overcome their marriage life wiser than they are now.
Everyone, there are good things and bad things that happen in life.
As the saying goes, “The ground hardens after the rain,” when a difficult or challenging task is over, the task will be completed more easily and the relationship will become even closer.
If you live with the mindset that if you are having a hard time, your partner will also be having a hard time, and if you are having a good time, your partner will also be having a good time, you will surely be able to live happily together for a hundred years.
Even if it is difficult, think only about the good things and have the kind of consideration that will only bring a bright smile to your partner. If you have such thoughts, you will always have a harmonious family and a loving marriage.
I hope you will live together with your partner, seeing each other’s eyes, without ever changing your mind.
Think the same way, look in the same direction, and be by your partner’s side in everything, and be a partner in life.
I hope you will build a truly beautiful family, where you think of each other, care for each other, and love each other until your hearts beat together.
Theme – Be a couple who enjoy being with each other rather than trying to change each other
First of all, I would like to congratulate the parents of both families on this happy day, and I would also like to thank all the guests and relatives who have come despite their busy schedules on behalf of the bride and groom.
A few days ago, I asked the bride and groom how they felt about getting married and what made them decide to get married. They said that they had come to believe that they could share laughter, share difficulties, and cherish each other’s dreams.
I hope that the two of them will cherish this moment forever and build a happy family and successful career together, with that kind of faith in their hearts.
I would like to make a few requests from the couple, in the hope that they will have a more harmonious married life in the future.
Above all, be considerate of each other. It is easy to be drawn into the passion of being attracted to each other’s charms and to expect that the other person’s strengths will make you happy. However, it is not passion that completes love, but consideration for the other person. Do not forget that happiness does not come from enjoying the other person’s strengths, but from embracing their weaknesses.
The second request for the completion of love is for each other to become each other’s managers. A competent manager does not try to change the members of the company. Also, rather than trying to fix the other person’s shortcomings, they use their strengths to increase productivity.
Learn to enjoy the bride and groom as they are. Don’t try to change them to suit you. Try not to ask each other for things you can’t give them, or to create situations where conflicts are inevitable.
If you remember this, the teamwork of the family company you will build together will be strong forever.
I have one last request for you to complete your love.
Don’t forget that a married couple is not one mind, but two minds. You are independent individuals, so you should acknowledge and respect the differences between you and your partner. Don’t confuse your partner with yourself, don’t be childish and don’t try to change your partner to suit you. Instead, try to understand your partner, who is different from you.
Today, in front of their parents and guests, the bride and groom declared their marriage. Now they are starting a new life to complete their love.
At many crossroads in life, marital love will change its direction. It will turn darkness into light, despair into hope, and misfortune into happiness.
Every time you take a step, remember my three requests: be considerate of each other, be the manager of your spouse, and acknowledge and respect the fact that you are two-sighted.
I hope that your family’s future will be filled with only hope.
Thank you.
Theme – Try to think in the other person’s perspective
Congratulations to the bride and groom, Mr. ○○○ and Ms. ○○○, on their marriage.
On this wonderful day, I would like to express my gratitude to all of the guests who have come to celebrate with us, to the parents of both families who have raised the couple so well, and to all of the relatives. I would like to thank the bride and groom on behalf of all of them.
Congratulations once again to the couple.
Now, the two of them have become a married couple in front of all these people.
As a senior who has been married for ○○ years this year, I would like to say a few words of advice.
I think there must have been many difficulties and barriers between individuals who grew up in different environments before they met and became a married couple.
They may have broken all those barriers and are standing here now, and after marriage, there may be even more barriers standing in their way.
When you get married, you may think that you will become independent from your parents and start your own family.
But when you actually get married, you will realize that it is not all that it is.
Marriage is a process of entering another family instead of leaving the family you belonged to.
From the mother’s point of view, her daughter-in-law is entering her “territory,” and from the perspective of the woman who will become a wife, she is creating an “independent family,” so problems will arise from this.
When problems arise, people think of clear and firm standards within themselves.
It is up to oneself to define the norm and common sense.
When any problem is defined as normal, the imposition and discomfort of the norm begins.
You just need to think for yourself and break the rules that you think are normal.
You need to have the ability to read other people’s minds and see into their hearts.
We have grown up and thought in different environments for decades, so our standards of thinking will be different.
Try to think about those standards in line with the other person’s standards.
Don’t all problems and answers lie within yourself?
If the two of you, who will be together for a long time, always strive to understand each other and care for each other, you will be a happy couple for everyone and a model couple for all couples.
I wish you both eternal happiness in the future and will end my speech here.
Theme – Please value the time you spend together
We bless and congratulate the sacred wedding of the bride and groom.
On behalf of the bride and groom, I would like to thank the distinguished guests who have come to congratulate the couple despite the cold weather and their busy schedules.
Today, the bride and groom are becoming one and a new family is being born. I would like to give some words of advice to the bride and groom.
You must love and respect each other.
Love should grow deeper as time goes by. The Bible says that love is long-suffering, gentleness, not seeking one’s own advantage, not being easily provoked, bearing all things, believing, hoping, and enduring all things.
You should be each other’s happiness makers, and make your bride and groom happy. I hope the two of you will be together for 100 years.
John McCormick, who served as the 41st Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, never missed a single dinner with his wife for 41 years after they got married. Even when he was working, he would take time out to write down things to say to his wife to make her happy when he got home, and he would go home and make his wife happy and entertained.
One day, my secretary asked me how I had been able to have dinner with my wife for 41 years. I replied that my grandfather and father had done so, and that I had learned from them and was now happy and satisfied with the time I spent with my wife.
Today, in front of many witnesses, you have become one body through this wedding.
I hope that you will cherish the time you spend together.
I wish to bless you, the parents of the bride and groom, with God’s protection and blessings from this day forward. You must feel secure having such a precious son and daughter. I am very proud of you.
I wish health and blessings to all the distinguished guests who have come to celebrate the wedding.
I hope you will pray for the happiness of these two people.
Theme – Live as you are and love and respect each other as you are
It is the day when a good man and a wise woman meet and make a healthy family. It is the most magical day in the world.
It is no wonder that a man and a woman meet and fall in love among hundreds of millions of people. The meeting of two people who meet and make a family is a true work of art.
Everything is precious and beautiful in and of itself. Understand and love your partner as they are.
If at any moment in your life you feel that your partner is not beautiful or lovable, the reason is not that they have changed, but that your eyes, which see them, have become coarse and dim.
Live as you are and love and respect each other as you are.
And if the groom lives with his whole heart for his wife and his family, his beautiful today will continue forever.
If you have lived freely according to your own will until now, from now on, live as your wife wants. Do only what pleases your wife.
That is happiness.
I hope that all of you gathered here today will be the officiants and say it together with the beautiful couple who are now becoming a married couple.
Now that you are all officiants, this wedding is the wedding with the most officiants and witnesses in the world and the most blessed wedding.
“Love to death.”
“Love with your life.”
“Love as you are.”
I will end my officiation here.