Sample 3-minute speeches from parent seminar speakers

We’ve compiled a collection of 3-minute speeches from Parent Seminar speakers covering a variety of topics. We hope you’ll find these examples helpful.


Speech topic – How to make your child a ‘study god’

Welcome to our teen self-study seminar.
Today we are here to learn about how to study on our own.
What is the best way to teach students to research and learn on their own, rather than being taught to do so?
In 2010, a drama called “The God of Study” aired, introducing study secrets that only some top students, including the Noryangjin cram school family, had, and it became the talk of the town with nearly 30% viewership at the time.
This is a testament to our interest in studying, but it is also a reflection of the reality that we spend the most on private education among OECD countries.
To help thirsty students and anxious parents, we’ll briefly introduce the study tips of the top 3% of “study gods”.
The top students’ secret weapon is creative learning.
Creative learning is about being creative in how you learn.
Even if you memorize the same material and take the same test, some students will forget what they memorized right after the test, while others will remember it years later when they go to college.
These “study gods” cite their own imagination as the secret to retaining memorized material over time.
They use their creative imagination to make memorization easier by adding appropriate symbols or signs to the material they are studying.
For example, creating a unique sentence using only the first letters of important events in a national history timeline.
This method has been shown to improve memory by more than 70% compared to simple memorization.
You can also use this method to learn English.
Vocabulary is the foundation of learning any language in the world, not just English.
How much vocabulary you know determines how well you can interpret a sentence.
Learning vocabulary is also more effective when it’s approached in a variety of ways than just memorization, such as etymology, memorizing words with similar meanings, and memorizing words with similar pronunciations.
If a student who has no idea how to study were to follow the secrets of these “study gods”, they would see their grades improve after some time.
Unfortunately, you can’t become a true “study god” just by copying someone else’s methods.
The secrets of the “study gods” are just methods they’ve found over time.
There may be some universality, but in the end, you’ll have to figure out what works best for you.
But maybe this can serve as a guide for kids who want to study but don’t know how.
I’ll leave you with the hope that one day all kids will be free from grades.
Thank you.



Speech topic – You shouldn’t expect a price for the sacrifices you’ve made

A lady said.
My eldest daughter is taking the college entrance exam, also known as the SAT, and she was rejected.
The mother was disappointed because she believed her child had studied hard.
Almost every day, he would go straight from school to the reading room to study and come home after twelve o’clock at night.
I would wait for her, give her a snack, talk to her, and then she would go to bed around one in the morning.
That’s what it was like to be a mother of a high school student for three years.
But as a result of failing, I found myself saying to myself, “I’ve been up at night for three years.
“I’ve been going to bed at 1 a.m. and waking up at 6:30 a.m. and feeding him breakfast for three years, and that’s why I failed.”
To this, he laughs innocently. “I told you to just go to sleep.”
In fact, she’s right.
She had told you many times to leave the snack on the table and go to bed first.
She was the one who didn’t listen.
I’ve heard other moms say that they drive their kids to school and academy because they don’t want them to have a hard time, or that they knit next to them when they study all night, and I thought that this kind of support was nothing.
It’s a choice she made because she thought it would make her feel better, because she thought it would make her sleep better.
I’m not nervous enough to sleep at night when my kids aren’t home.
But you have to wonder if you’re mistaking the sleep deprivation you’ve endured because of your child for a great sacrifice.
The truth is, every parent thinks they’re too busy with their own lives to give much thought to their child’s education.
They don’t feel like they’ve done anything extraordinary, except maybe sleep less at night.
However, I can’t imagine how many mothers have felt even worse, as they felt sad and devastated when their children failed.
The life of ‘Geese Dad’ is a typical example of a parent’s sacrifice for their child.
His wife must have a tough life too.
Whenever I hear the story of a dad, I think of this.
I wonder what it would be like for them if their child became as successful as their parents hoped, how they would feel if their child didn’t reach their expectations, how they would feel if they said, “We sacrificed living apart to send you to study abroad, and this is what we got?” and the child said, “Who told my mom and dad to live apart?”
It’s a waste.
Sacrifice is not only between parents and children, but also between couples.
I’ll tell you a story about a couple, the husband is a luxury shopper and the wife is a frugal shopper.
They go department store shopping together.
The husband bought expensive clothes and sunglasses for himself, and the wife bought nothing.
When they got home, they had a fight.
The wife’s words to her husband were.
“I live so frugally, why do you have to buy such expensive things?” In response, the husband said.
“Why don’t you buy something expensive too?” followed by, ”Who says you’re frugal? I don’t thank you for being frugal, I’m just tired of it.”
The wife couldn’t believe it.
The frugal wife should have realized that she was frugal not for her husband’s sake, but for her own peace of mind.
The geese dad households were not forced into existence by anyone, but by their own choice.
Rather than ‘for the sake of their children’, it’s better to think that they made that decision out of a desire to have a child who will study abroad early, or to have a child who will be more socially successful than others by studying abroad.
So you don’t expect anything in return.
It’s hard to have a good parent-child relationship when you start thinking, “How did I raise you?”
Your child is likely to feel burdened and maybe even annoyed by you.
After all, if you expect something in return for something you’ve done, you’re likely to resent the person or fall into self-loathing.
Therefore, having the mindset that no matter what you do for someone, you do it for yourself, not for them, is essential for your relationship with them and for your own happiness.
Dostoevsky once said, “There is nothing so happy as sacrificing yourself.”
It’s certainly a happy thing to feel like sacrificing yourself for someone else.
To avoid exchanging this happiness for unhappiness, you shouldn’t blame the other person if you’re disappointed with the outcome.
Because you are solely responsible for your own choices.



Speech topic – TV is no longer an idiot box

Reading books is the greatest human pastime.
It is the best source of imagination and the best intellectual integrator of broadening and enriching one’s mind.
It’s been said over and over again that there’s nothing like reading, not only for intellectual entertainment, but also for exercising the brain and activating the imagination.
However, when approached from the perspective of activating human brain function, all pop culture that is contrasted with books is judged as inferior.
But we’re going to argue against that.
We don’t want TV to be dismissed as dumbed down, or to be called an “idiot box” anymore.
In a nutshell, I’m arguing that games, TV shows, the internet, games, and movies all get harder and more complex to make us think, to make us struggle, to make us research, to make us reason, and to engage us in both directions.
What I’m arguing is that the criteria for determining what fattens our brains and what is bad food needs to change.
I’m not saying that parents shouldn’t care about how their kids spend their free time.
But instead of worrying about violent and crude TV content, nudity in shows, or overuse of profanity, we should be looking at whether that particular show is stimulating or dulling our brains.
For young and old alike, the truth is that too much of a good thing is just as bad as not enough when it comes to media consumption.
Everything in moderation is good.
If you’ve been holed up in your cubicle playing video games for the last week, cracking open a book is a great way to do it.
Still, don’t blame us for getting hooked once in a while.
Games, TV, and movies are wide, deep worlds created on the screen.
You can’t truly enjoy them without some level of obsession.
It’s through this obsession that our expertise is built and we gain confidence in our analytical abilities.
This confidence comes after spending a long time looking at a system and realizing how to manipulate it.
I want you to notice that you are focused.
Too much is a problem, but the right amount of excitement and interest is the lifeblood of my child.
Thank you for listening.



Speech Topic – Scolding is an opportunity to get closer to your child

Everyone dreams of being a good parent.
A good parent should be able to correct and change their child’s wrong behavior.
It’s about helping your child change on their own, rather than trying to mold them to fit your ideas and mold.
According to Spencer Johnson, you can change a child’s thoughts and behaviors in as little as one minute, and you can do it with reprimands and praise.
First, when they do something wrong, spend the first 30 seconds reprimanding them, but be specific and tell them how you feel, followed by 10 seconds of silence to build tension.
Then, for the remaining 20 seconds, calm your emotions and show your love.
The idea is to give the implication that the behavior is wrong, but the child is good.
All of this should be done in one minute.
Praise is 30 seconds of specific praise for their behavior when they do something right.
Then, after a 10-second pause for silence to allow them to bask in the glow, you end the praise with a positive gesture, such as a hug, for the remaining 20 seconds.
That’s a lot of difference in such a short period of time – one minute.
The most important thing is to let your child know that you are always on their side.
You need to believe that you’re a good kid and that your mom and dad love you.
They need to feel loved and be in a loving environment.
Children live with siblings and make comparisons and may feel deprived when their parents give them more attention.
It’s important to think like a child when disciplining, and to do so with care.
Effective and prompt home discipline should bring the child and parent closer together.
Thank you for listening, everyone.



Speech topic – Treat your child with a heart of letting go

I have daughters who are about to get married.
I want them to meet the right spouse and have a beautiful family.
I lecture on marriage and minister to people who are suffering from unhappy marriages, but I’m not sure how to help my children when it comes to marriage. I’ve seen a lot of unhappy marriages, and I think I’ve been too concerned about my own children’s marital problems.
I gave them a lot of advice, and I thought it was an expression of my love and concern for them, but I didn’t realize that it could actually make it harder for them to trust, express themselves freely, and enjoy life to the fullest.Suddenly, I thought about what it was like for us adults when we were getting married.
I was studying abroad in the United States at the time, so I wasn’t able to discuss marriage with my parents to my heart’s content.
My father told me over the phone, “I have raised you well so far, so make your own wise decision about marriage. I have faith in you. But whoever you meet, be true and honest with each other,” he said.
I remember thinking seriously about it, because it seemed like a lot of responsibility to decide and be responsible for such an important matter in life.
In hindsight, my decision to get married seems so simple and ignorant.
However, as a young man facing such an important decision, my father trusted me, and I was aware of my vulnerability.
However, as much as my father trusted me, I may not be trusting my child as much as I should.
This is obviously not because my child lacks trustworthy qualities.
I asked myself if my insecurities were causing me to not trust my child and manipulate her to do what I want.
Friends gathered around a woman who recently married her daughter and asked her what was the secret to getting her to marry.
She thought for a moment and said, “Putting it down.”
They all laughed.
Her second daughter was getting married in a few months, so they asked her what the secret was to getting her second daughter married too.
She replied, “Put it down more.”
Of course, she was joking, but I think it’s a really great answer.
At the end of the day, I think the preparation for marriage for a mom with grown children is really an exercise in trust and concern for your children, in faith, and in letting go of your expectations of them and your spouse, and letting go more.
Thank you, everyone, for listening.



Speech Topic – Keep Learning

Many of us have thought that our children are slow learners.
It’s not uncommon to feel like you’re on fire while trying to teach your child.
Even when you’re in charge of the education, there’s only one reason you’re leaving your child at home.
Your frustration is getting the better of you, your voice is getting louder, and your hands are about to raise, so you’d rather have a third party do it.
It’s better for the child, for the parent-child relationship, and for your own mental stress.
There was a poet and literary figure from the middle Joseon Dynasty named Kim Duk-sin.
Compared to his father’s high expectations, the young Dukshin was dull and stuttering.
He only started learning to write at the age of ten, and after three days of learning, he couldn’t read the first 26 characters of his first paragraph.
“What a fool,” said his father, ”this child will surely grow up to be able to write. He is so dull and slow, but he doesn’t give up on his studies, which is rather admirable.”
At the age of twenty, he managed to write a piece of writing.
When his father saw it, he was overwhelmed and said, “Try harder. Studying is not just for the past,” and encouraged him.
Looking at his reading log, there are 36 articles that he has read more than 10,000 times.
“All the scholars who are rich and successful in their studies have done so through diligence. I was dull by nature, so I read twice as much as others, and I liked ‘The Hundred Books of the Past’, so I read it one hundred and thirty-three thousand times, and named my library ‘Billion Jae’.” Billion is the current equivalent of 100,000. That’s some crazy reading.
This is why steadiness and diligence are scary.
As a result of his bloody hard work, Deng Xin entered the university at the age of 59.
He lost his daughter first, and the one thing he couldn’t put down as he followed the funeral procession was “One Hundred Years Ago”.
During his wife’s wake, relatives played the song “Aego, Aego,” and he read passages from “Baekjeonjeon” to the tune.
He was dull and slow, but he kept reading and studying, and in his later years he was called ‘the greatest poet of his time’.
There are so many smart people in the world.
Many geniuses and prodigies have only earned the name of being smart and talented at one time, but later on, they have nothing to pass on and nothing to learn.
You need to have the same mindset as Kim Duk-sin’s parents in order to grow your child steadily.
You need to watch and support your child consistently.
It’s hard, but it’s the most effective way for my child.



Speech topic – Let go of anxiety about whether you’re raising your child well

Hello, everyone.
I’d like to start off with a fun read.
Think about the foolishness of Snow White.
I don’t understand why Snow White keeps opening the door.
She’s a fearless woman who keeps trying to open the door after being hit.
But with a little thought, the answer is clear.
What was Snow White’s day like when she came to live with the dwarves?
She would do the chores around the house while the dwarves went to work.
In the evening, the dwarves would return and go to bed early after a day of hard physical labor, and Snow White would spend the night alone again.
Regardless of how nice the dwarfs were to Snow White, she would have been lonely.
Think about Snow White’s daily life without friends, without interaction with people with whom she shared intimate experiences, with whom she had a similar code. So, no matter how many times danger opened its mouth, Snow White would have been forced to open the door ten or twenty times.
In the modern world, what we lack in relationships, we fill with consumption.
As one poet put it, eight percent of our spending is loneliness.
Shopaholics are often said to be addicted not to the things they buy, but to the feeling of being treated like a king in the moment of purchase.
Many women who are stay-at-home moms buy children’s textbooks in sets that cost a fortune.
The salesperson tries to convince them that this is what they need to give their child to get ahead.
It’s easy to fall prey to the weakest link in a mom’s arsenal: the fear that I’m doing a good job raising my child.
There’s a vague sense of, am I a good mom?
Perhaps it’s the salesperson’s trope of “will I deprive my child of opportunities to grow because of your indifference or ignorance?” that sets the tone.
But a more fundamental reason is that moms are lonely.
Just as Snow White opens doors in the face of death, moms who are stuck at home with their children often open their wallets to somehow fill the gap in their relationships and emotional hunger.
We need to ask ourselves if our spending on our children is appropriate and if it’s not driven by the fears and vagueness we think it is.
Additionally, I want to be confident that my child is thriving.
Not only my child, but any child needs to grow and fight respectfully, and lack of cancer skills and unwillingness to study are common.
I want you to feel grateful and proud of your child for growing up with the right character and attitude.
If you’re feeling anxious, we hope that our parent meetings will provide an opportunity to share information and connect.
Thank you for listening.



Speech Topic – Using cards to reduce education costs

Hello, everyone.
For parents of middle and high school students, the winter break is not a good time, as the expenses for their children’s education snowball from enrollment in various schools, such as English and remedial classes, and purchasing textbooks that were put off during the school year.
What about your kids, and your pocketbook?
As a parent, you want to give your children the benefits they deserve, such as the opportunity to study and utilize their talents, but your wallet is getting fatter and fatter in order to fulfill these needs.
Today, I’d like to talk to you about how you can keep your kids in school and save money at the same time.
In fact, many credit card companies offer ‘study discount cards’ to help you save money on your child’s education. College students who want to invest in their education during their vacations can also get discounts on language tests such as TOEIC and books for their majors.
However, not many people seem to know about it yet.
For example, the first way to save money on education is to use an “affiliated school discount card” that offers a 10-20% discount on tuition fees in partnership with a specific school.
There are also universal cram school discount cards that offer discounts at all cram schools nationwide, not just specific ones. While these cards are convenient to use, they do have their drawbacks, such as the need to spend a lot of money to get a large discount.
Also, if you’re spending a lot of money on education in each field, the Multi-Study Discount Card is worth considering. It’s an all-around education card that saves you money on tuition, books, and even reading room fees, but it’s important to note that the benefits are not tiered based on how much you spend.
In fact, there are many institutional mechanisms, not only from credit card companies, but also from the government, to help pay for our children’s education. The unfortunate thing is that many parents are not aware of this.
That’s why I organized today’s seminar to tell you how you can get various educational discounts, and I hope you can relax a little more and nurture your children’s talents.
After all, our children are our future, our country’s future, right?
Thank you very much for listening today.



Speech topic – Let the kids play music

Good afternoon, everyone.
I’m Ms. ○○○, a parent seminar instructor.
We love our children dearly.
That’s probably why we’re here today.
But sometimes they go off the rails, and sometimes they don’t go the way we want them to. Why?
Well, there are probably a lot of reasons.
But we often don’t know why.
We don’t know how to soothe a child’s tantrums or psychological anxiety.
Today, we’re going to talk about one of the alternatives.
Two-year-olds need
a quiet, peaceful atmosphere that he can’t create on his own.
What helps the most is the presence of soothing music, in almost any form. Mother’s singing can be helpful.
Singing a request like “It’s time for breakfast” can have a much greater effect than just saying the request in words.
Especially towards the end of the morning or afternoon, when children are often easily irritable, lullabies,
perfect for the end of the day. Some kids, especially boys, like to have their own music playing devices and can play them for a very long time.
They want to play an instrument to calm themselves down.
This can be a reason why they stay involved in playing instruments as adults.
This relaxing effect of music on children is quite significant.
There’s a saying that you’re never too old to learn.
Bad habits or habits that we develop as children are often difficult to break as adults.
It is said that all of a person’s personality is formed in infancy and early childhood.
Does your child seem irritable or psychologically unstable?
And you can’t figure out why?
Your child is a person, too. As parents, we can’t understand and know everything, so don’t try to get to the root of your child’s psychology.
Instead, try to create an environment that makes them feel comfortable.
Allow your child to find their own peace of mind.
It can help them grow into their own person.
We are parents whose primary goal in life is the joy of our children.
Tonight, why not sing a loving lullaby?
Tomorrow morning, why not wake your child with a cheerful song?
You’ll be surprised at how much more cheerful your child will be.
We hope today’s seminar
I sincerely hope that today’s seminar will help you in raising your children.
Thank you.



Speech topic – Letting your child live their own life

Good afternoon, everyone.
There is a movie called Sirius Man by the Coen brothers.
The main character of this movie is a Jewish physics professor.
It describes his life as annoying.
And then, while I was watching it, I suddenly got choked up.
There’s a Korean student in the movie.
He got a failing grade on his midterm and his request was to raise his grade.
When you tell him you can’t give him credit for an answer that doesn’t have any math behind it, he leaves an envelope of money behind.
When the professor scolds him, he has a secret weapon that students from other countries can’t even dream of.
His father comes to visit.
After threatening to sue the school for defaming his son’s honor and begging the school to raise the grade, the grade is eventually fixed.
From the Korean audience’s point of view, it’s very annoying and unpleasant.
But when you really put your hand on your heart and think about it, you can’t say it’s absurd to say that the Korean student and his father in the movie don’t reflect our reality at all.
Now let’s think about it
I wonder if I’m living my child’s life for her.
Behind every victory report of the Korean players who dominated the U.S. Women’s Professional Golf League is the image of a father or mother who has abandoned his or her own life to follow his or her daughter around the world.
The sadness and bitterness may be due to the universal perception in our society that even children who have reached the top of the world in their field still need parental protection.
If you ask anyone to sympathize with a parent who wants to take care of their child, they’ll tell you to think about it.
But the reality is that when parents try to protect their adult children, they are actually harming them.
At least that’s how the law sees it.
That’s because it’s the general attitude of the law to treat a protected being as incapable.
A person who needs to be protected is treated as incapable of standing on their own.
Is it any different than a parent declaring their child incompetent if they try to take care of their child’s affairs after they reach the age of majority?
What parent wouldn’t want to protect their child?
A sixty-year-old son is still a child in the eyes of an eighty-year-old mother.
I don’t think we’re the only parents who want to live our children’s lives for them.
However, we need to be vigilant, knowing that there is a risk that our children will not be able to live their own lives.
If you keep your child in a cage, it will either end up tragically, or they will grow up to be ridiculous.
We need to shift to watching and advising our children so that they can live in their own world.
Thank you, everyone, for listening.


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